
Research Visits


  • 2 – 20 January 2016: Paul Gastin (LSV) visits Aiswarya Cyriac and K. Narayan Kumar at CMI to work on maintaining latest information beyond channel bounds.
  • 1- 4 February 2016: The Mysore Park workshop Trends and Challenges in Quantitative Verification is organised by S. Akshay (IIT Bombay) Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), B. Srivathsan (CMI) and Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI) is held in Mysuru.
  • 17 February – 9 March 2016: Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) visits R. Ramanujam and Anup Basil Mathew at IMSc Chennai. He gives a series of lectures on « Coordination under Uncertainty ».
  • 14 – 29 February 2016: Pascal Weil (LaBRI) visits CMI. He gives a series of lectures on « The Separation Problem ».
  • 5 – 12 March 2016: Madhavan Mukund and K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visit Blaise Genest at IRISA Rennes.
  • 16 May – 11 June 2016: K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visits Pascal Weil at LaBRI (Bordeaux), Paul Gastin and Georg Zetzsche at LSV and Ahmed Bouajjani at IRIF (Paris).
  • 21 May – 20 July 2016: Aiswarya Cyriac (CMI) visits Paul Gastin at LSV to work to work on the gossip problem for distributed systems and on the verification of higher-orderpushdown automata.
  • 13 – 25 June: Madhavan Mukund visits Paul Gastin at LSV and Ahmed Bouajjani at IRIF (Paris).
  • 14 June – 26 June: S. Akshay (IIT Bombay) visits Paul Gastin at LSV to work on tree automata techniques for the analysis of timed systems and Blaise Genest and Loïc Hélouët at IRISA (Rennes) to work on Petri nets with time.
  • 26 June – 8 July: S. Krishna (IIT Bombay) visits Paul Gastin at LSV to work on tree automata techniques for the analysis of timed systems
  • 11 October 2016 – 21 December 2016: Paul Gastin visits S. Akshay and S. Krishna IIT Bombay to work on tree-width techniques for timed pushdown systems, logical definability of realizability for words with timing constraints and combinator expressions for streaming transducers.
  • 10 – 17 December 2016: Benedikt Bollig (LSV) attends FSTTCS and visits C. Aiswarya at CMI to work on formal methods for the analysis of distributed algorithms.
  • 1 January 2017 – 11 March 2017: Paul Gastin visits C. Aiswarya, Madhavan Mukund and K. Narayan Kumar at CMI.
  • 3 January 2017 – 19 January 2017: Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) attends ICLA at IIT Kanpur and then visits R. Ramanujam at IMSc Chennai.
  • 9 January 2017 – 5 February 2017: Pascal Weil visits CMI. He attends the ACTS workshop Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems.


  • 4 – 18 January and 4 – 14 February 2015: C. Aiswarya and Paul Gastin (LSV) visit K. Narayan Kumar at CMI to work on a new project on maintaining latest information beyond channel bounds. They also attend the ACTS workshop — Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems.
  • 10 – 24 January 2015: Ahmed Bouajjani visits CMI to work with K. Narayan Kumar. He gives a CMI Silver Jubilee Lecture on Tractable Refinement Checking for Concurrent Objects.
  • 7 – 22 February 2015: Pascal Weil (LaBRI) visits CMI. He gives a Silver Jubilee Lecture on The Theory of Varieties of Languages and attends the ACTS workshop — Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems.
  • 9 – 14 February 2015: The ACTS workshop on Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems is organised at CMI by members of the informel consortium. Several members of the laboratory visit CMI to participate at the workshop and pursue their collaborations with the partners in Chennai: Benedikt Bollig, Paul Gastin, and Philippe Schnoebelen (LSV) and Pascal Weil and Marc Zeitoun (LaBRI).
  • 9 – 25 February 2015: Philippe Schnoebelen (LSV) visits Prateek Karandikar at CMI.
  • 5 – 31 March 2015: Prakash Saivasan (CMI) visits LSV to work with Paul Gastin on nested words for higher-order pushdown systems
  • 19 May – 6 June 2015: S. Krishna and S. Akshay visit LSV to work with Paul Gastin on split-width techniques for the analysis of timed systems.
  • 10 June – 4 July 2015: K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visit France to pursue several collaborations: with Paul Gastin (LSV) on bounded time-stamping for message passing systems, with Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA) on analysis of multi-pushdown systems, and with Pascal Weil (LaBRI) on bounded reachability analysis for shared memory systems.
  • 15 – 24 July 2015: C. Aiswarya (Uppsala) visits LSV to continue the work with Paul Gastin and Prakash Saivasan (CMI) on nested words for higher-order pushdown systems.
  • 29 November – 20 December 2015: Paul Gastin (LSV) visits S. Krishna and S. Akshay (IIT Bombay) to work on tree automata techniques for timed-systems. Then, he attends FSTTCS in Bangalore.
  • 14 – 26 December 2015: Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) attends FSTTCS in Bangalore and then visits R. Ramanujam at IMSc Chennai.


  • 11 – 17 January 2014: Paul Gastin (LSV) visits Akshay S. at IIT Bombay. They studied probabilistic timed systems.
  • 1 – 22 February 2014: Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA) visits Akash Lal at Microsoft Research Bangalore for one week to work on verification problems for concurrent programs. Then, he visits K. Narayan Kumar and Prakash Saivasan at CMI Chennai to work on shared memory systems.
  • February — July 2014: Anup Basil Mathew (IMSc) visits LSV to work with Dietmar Berwanger in the first phase of his joint PhD programme between ENS Cachan and IMSc.
  • 9 – 22 February 2014: Constantin Enea (LIAFA) visits Akash Lal at Microsoft Research, Bangalore, together with Ahmed Bouajjani, then he visits K. Narayan Kumar and Prakash Saivasan at CMI.
  • 12 – 26 February 2014: Philippe Schnoebelen (LSV) visits Prateek Karandikar and K. Narayan Kumar at CMI Chennai.
  • 23 February – 9 March 2014: Pascal Weil (LaBRI) gives an invited talk at the International Conference on Semigroups, Algebras and Operator Theory ICSAOT 2014 in Kochi: « From the lattice of band varieties to the quantifier alternation hierarchy of the 2-variable fragment of first-order logic ». Afterwards, he visits CMI Chennai to work with K. Narayan Kumar on algebraic automata theory, and to continue the series of lectures initiated in 2012 on the topic. On the occasion of the visit, he gives a K. Lakshmanan Memorial Distinguished Lecture with the title: « About the lattice of finitely generated subgroups of a free group ».
  • March — July 2014: Prateek Karandikar (CMI) visits Philippe Schnoebelen and Sylvain Schmitz at LSV Cachan within his joint PhD programme between ENS Cachan and CMI Chennai.
  • 12 May – 3 June 2014: K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visits LSV to work with C. Aiswarya and Paul Gastin on controllers for distributed systems.
  • 1 – 10 June 2014: S. Akshay (IIT Bombay) visits Paul Gastin at LSV to work on split-width techniques for timed systems.
  • 7 December 2014 – 18 January 2015: Paul Gastin (LSV) visits S. Akshay at IIT Bombay to work on timed pushdown systems, then he gives an invited talk at FSTTCS in Delhi. Afterwards, he visits CMI Chennai to work with K. Narayan Kumar and C. Aiswarya on the gossip problem for communicating distributed systems.
  • 14 – 19 December 2014: Benedikt Bollig (LSV) visits IIT Delhi.


  • 5 – 16 January 2013: Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) visits R. Ramanujam at IMSc Chennai.
  • 7 – 19 January 2013: Paul Gastin and Aiswarya Cyriac (LSV) visit K. Narayan Kumar and Madhavan Mukund at CMI Chennai. They studied verification problems for concurrent and recursive multi-threaded programs.
  • 10 – 17 February 2013: Pascal Weil (LaBRI) visits K. Narayan Kumar and Madhavan Mukund at CMI, and Kamal Lodaya at IMSc Chennai. He continues the course on algebraic automata theory initiated in January 2012 at CMI.
  • March — July 2013: Prateek Karandikar visits Philippe Schnoebelen and Sylvain Schmitz at LSV Cachan within his joint PhD programme between ENS Cachan and CMI Chennai.
  • 17 – 20 February 2013: Pascal Weil (LaBRI) visits Sanjiva Prasad and Amitabha Bagchi at IIT Delhi.
  • 23 February – 3 March 2013: Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA) visits K. Narayan Kumar and Prakash Saivasan at CMI Chennai.
  • 2 – 6 April 2013: Pascal Weil and Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) attend the Indo-French Workshop organised by CEFIPRA, IIT Delhi, Inria, and CNRS to prepare the launching of a Targeted Program on ICT. The Program was effectively launched in the fall of 2013, and should lead to the selection of 3-year projects starting in 2014. The travel is supported by CEFIPRA.
  • 6 – 10 April 2013: Dietmar Berwanger visits Akshay S. and Supratik Chakraborty at IIT Bombay.
  • 13 May – 1 June 2013: Madhavan Mukund (CMI) visits LSV, IRISA.
  • 8 – 29 June K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visits LSV, LaBRI. The study verification problems for concurrent and recursive multi-threaded programs was pursued.
  • 16 June – 30 June 2013: Saivasan Prakash (CMI) visits LSV and LIAFA. Discussions with Ahmed Bouajjani on Verification of networks of Communicating Recursive Processes. Joint work with M.F.Atig (Uppsala).
  • 25 May – 20 July 2013: Bharat Adsul (IIT Bombay) visits LSV and LaBRI to work on cascade products of asynchronous automata.
  • Sep — October 2013: Prateek Karandikar  visits Philippe Schnoebelen and Sylvain Schmitz at LSV Cachan within his joint PhD programme between ENS Cachan and CMI Chennai.
  • 30 September – 6 October 2013: Madhavan Mukund (CMI) and Akshay S. (IIT Bombay) visit IRISA to continue their work with Loïc Hélouët (IRISA) on transaction systems. A report is upcoming in January 2014.
  • 22 – 27 October 2013: Pascal Weil attends the Indo-French Technology Summit. co-organized by the MEDEF, the Confederation of Indian Industries, CEFIPRA, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. The travel is supported by the French Embassy in Delhi.
  • 4 – 19 December 2013: Paul Gastin and Aiswarya Cyriac (LSV) visit  CMI. With K. Narayan Kumar, they completed the study of verification problems via split-width for concurrent recursive multi-threaded programs. With Madhavan Mukund, they started working on statistical analysis of asynchronous systems.


  • 27 November 2011 – 7 January 2012: Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) visits IMSc Chennai. He gave invited talks at the Workshop on Finite and Algorithmic Model Theory (IIT co-located to FSTTCS 2011, IIT Bombay) and the Workshop on Game Theory (ISI Chennai).
  • 7 December 2011 – 21 January 2012: Aiswarya Cyriac (LSV) visits Madhavan Mukund and K. Narayan Kumar at CMI Chennai.
  • 9 – 21 January 2012: Paul Gastin (LSV) visits Madhavan Mukund and K. Narayan Kumar at CMI Chennai. This visit, together with the previous one of Cyriac, resulted in a paper presented at the international conference CONCUR’12:MSO Decidability of Multi-Pushdown Systems via Split-Width. A. Cyriac, P. Gastin and K. Narayan Kumar. In CONCUR’12, LNCS 7454, pages 547-561. Springer, 2012.
  • 8 – 15 January 2012: Pascal Weil (LABRI) visits CMI Chennai and IMSc Chennai. He gave a course on Algebraic Automata Theory.
  • 7 – 17 February 2012: Loïc Hélouët (IRISA) visits CMI to work with Madhavan Mukund on transaction systems.
  • 18 – 26 February 2012:  Ahmed Bouajjani (LIAFA) visits K. Narayan Kumar at CMI Chennai. This visit and a previous one of K. Narayan Kumar and P. Saivasan in November 2011, resulted in a paper presented at the international conference ATVA’12 and a research report on ArXiv:Linear-Time Model-Checking for Multithreaded Programs under Scope-Bounding. M. F. Atig, A. Bouajjani, K. Narayan Kumar and P. Saivasan. In ATVA’12, LNCS 7561, pages 152-166. Springer, 2012.Model checking Branching-Time Properties of Multi-Pushdown Systems is Hard. Mohamed Faouzi Atig, Ahmed Bouajjani, K. Narayan Kumar, Prakash Saivasan. CoRR abs/1205.6928 (2012).
  • 2 – 27 May 2012: K. Narayan Kumar (CMI) visits Paul Gastin and Aiswarya Cyriac at LSV Cachan, Pascal Weil at LaBRI Bordeaux and Loic Helouet at IRISA Rennes.
  • 7 – 21 May 2012: Prateek Karandikar(CMI) visits Sylvain Schmitz at LSV Cachan. A paper issued from this work is available on arXiv:Prateek Karandikar, Sylvain Schmitz: The Parametric Ordinal-Recursive Complexity of Post Embedding Problems. CoRR abs/1211.5259 (2012).
  • 8 May- 3 June 2012: Madhavan Mukund (CMI)  visits Paul Gastin at LSV Cachan, Pascal Weil at LABRI Bordeaux, and Loic Helouet at IRISA Rennes.
  • 1 October – 31 November 2012: Prateek Karandikar visits Philippe Schnoebelen and Sylvain Schmitz at LSV Cachan within his joint PhD programme between ENS Cachan and CMI Chennai.
  • 13 December 2012 – 8 January 2013: Arnaud Sangnier (LIAFA) visits IIIT Hyderabad.



  • 21 February – 24 June 2016: Gupta Madhur (ISI New Delhi) does a BSc internship at LIF Marseille under the supervision of Benjamin Monmege on “Learning of weighted automata”.
  • 4 May – 15 July 2016: Adwitee Roy (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Laurent Doyen on “Synchronizing words for weighted automata”.
  • 9 May – 22 July 2016: Abhishek De (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Paul Gastin on the « Distributed control problem ».
  • 9 May – 22 July 2016: Suman Sadhukhan (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Benedikt Bollig on « A uniform approach to deciding reachability via Presburger Arithmetic ».
  • 10 May – 4 July 2016: Manoj Kilaru (IIT Bombay) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Etienne Lozes on « Separating shuffle regular expressions for data words ».
  • 2 June – 30 July 2016: Soumyajit Paul (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Dietmar Berwanger and Patricia Bouyer on « The value of information in distributed games ».


  • 6 May – 10 July 2015: Ravichandra Addanki (IIT Bombay) does an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz on “detecting instantaneous transitions in timed automata”.
  • 17 May – 14 July 2015 : Sourabh Ghurye (IIT Bombay) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Patricia Bouyer on “energy stochastic games”.
  • 25 May – 10 July 2015: Sougata Bose (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Benedikt Bollig and Paul Gastin on « string-to-string transducers over infinite alphabets ».


  • 7 May – 22 July 2014: Akshay Kumar (IIT Kanpur) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Benedikt Bollig and Paul Gastin on « a robust automata model for parametrized concurrent systems ». Results of this work lead to a joint paper presented at FSTTCS 2014.
  • 5 May – 15 June 2014: Abhinav Tamaskar (CMI) does an internship under the supervision of Anca Muscholl at LaBRI Bordeaux.
  • 1 June – 3 July 2014: Bijoy Singh Kochar (IIT Bombay) does an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Emmanuel Fleury on « Binary Code Analysis: Loop Summarization » within the Insight Project.


  • 7 January – 7 March 2013: Guha Shibashis (IIT Delhi) visits Nathalie Bertrand (IRISA Rennes) and Frédéric Herbreteau (LaBRI Bordeaux) to start a collaboration on « The inclusion checking for timed languages ».
  • 19 May – 15 June 2013: Siddharth Krishna (CMI) visits LSV to work on « Multiple Context Free Grammars ». View the internship report.
  • 13 May – 19 July: Umang Mathur, does an internship at LaBRI Bordeaux under the supervision of Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz on « Efficient synthesis of non-Zeno strategies in timed games ».
  • 29 May – 10 July 2013: Anup Basil Mathew (IMSc) does an internship at LSV with Dietmar Berwanger. He presents his results on Recurrent certainty in games of partial information at the Indo-French GIMINAL Workshop on Games of Imperfect Information via Automata and Logic in Chennai, December 2013


  • 2 May – 22 July 2012: Anudhyan Boral(CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Sylvain Schmitz on model checking of parse trees of context-free grammars. A paper issued from this work is available on arXiv:Anudhyan Boral, Sylvain Schmitz: PDL model checking of parse forests. CoRR abs/1211.5256 (2012).
  • 2 May – 22 July 2012: Arjun Arul (CMI) does an internship at LSV under the supervision of Laurent Doyen on robot games. Results of this work will be presented at an ETAPS workshop:Arjun Arul, Julien Reichert: The complexity of robot games on the integer line. Proceedings of Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL 2013). To appear.
  • 4 May – 17 July 2012: A.N Prajwal (IIT Bombay) does an internship at LABRI Bordeaux with Igor Walukiewicz and Frédéric Herbreteau on Efficient Verification of Timed Automata.
  • 14 May – 30 July 2012: Siddharth Krishna(CMI) does an internship at LABRI Bordeaux under the supervision of Anca Muscholl and Hugo Gimbert, working on two main topics:
    1. « A polynomial construction for Zielonka automata with acyclic communication structure » — article submitted for publication;
    2. Implementing distributed control on star communication graphs — presented at the ESF GAMES Meeting 2012.

Joint PhD Programmes

  • Prateek Karandikar follows a joint PhD programme at ENS Cachan and CMI Chennai, under the supervision of Philippe Schnoebelen and K. Narayan Kumar. October 2012 – February 2015.
  • Anup Basil Mathew follows a joint PhD programme at ENS Cachan and IMSc Chennai, under the supervision of Dietmar Berwanger and R. Ramanujam starting February 2014.